Ben Pope
2013-07-08 05:01:55 UTC
Cross-posting due to lack of response on boost.devel.
I've found a regression between 1.53 to 1.54; if you compile
boost/libs/asio/example/cpp11/chat/chat_client.cpp and point it at a
host and port that doesn't exist or refuses the connection, instead of
coming back with an error, such as host not found or connection refused,
it reports success (on the conversion to bool). (you might want to
embellish the example with a std::cout << error_code.message() <<
This appears to be the case across Linux, Darwin, iOS and Android
synchronous connect seems to work correctly (i.e.,
Cross-posting due to lack of response on boost.devel.
I've found a regression between 1.53 to 1.54; if you compile
boost/libs/asio/example/cpp11/chat/chat_client.cpp and point it at a
host and port that doesn't exist or refuses the connection, instead of
coming back with an error, such as host not found or connection refused,
it reports success (on the conversion to bool). (you might want to
embellish the example with a std::cout << error_code.message() <<
This appears to be the case across Linux, Darwin, iOS and Android
synchronous connect seems to work correctly (i.e.,