[asio-users] timeout for ssl_stream::async_shutdown()?
Adam Crain
2017-02-22 21:48:45 UTC
When shutting down a ssl_stream asynchronously, what happens if the remote
side never responds? Does the callback handler never fire?


J Adam Crain - Partner


PGP 4096R/E2984A0C <https://www.automatak.com/keys/jadamcrain.asc> 2013-05-03
Vinnie Falco
2017-02-22 22:22:52 UTC
Post by Adam Crain
When shutting down a ssl_stream asynchronously, what happens if the remote
side never responds? Does the callback handler never fire?
To my knowledge, no asynchronous Asio operations have built-in timeouts.
Its up to callers to set up a timer and cancel the I/O if the timer
expires. When canceling the I/O make sure you do it from the same implicit
or explicit strand that the completion handlers are using.

Disclaimer: I have not looked at the actual implementation for
ivan kostov
2017-02-23 16:46:04 UTC
I have a similar issue with async_write on a closed socket. In this case I
didn't found any way to return with an error. You can setup a c++11 future
and wait_for(timeout) on it.

if( future.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100))!=
std::future_status::ready )
// error handling
Post by Vinnie Falco
Post by Adam Crain
When shutting down a ssl_stream asynchronously, what happens if the
remote side never responds? Does the callback handler never fire?
To my knowledge, no asynchronous Asio operations have built-in timeouts.
Its up to callers to set up a timer and cancel the I/O if the timer
expires. When canceling the I/O make sure you do it from the same implicit
or explicit strand that the completion handlers are using.
Disclaimer: I have not looked at the actual implementation for
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Adam Crain
2017-02-23 17:58:41 UTC
thanks Vinnie and Ivan. So it's either block w/ timeout or use an
asynchronus timeout timer.

Blocking for me is out considering I don't wanted to tie up my event loop.
The timer would work, but I'm now weighing
having to add/test this version just slamming the socket shut and not
caring about the remote endpoint complaining about
the non-graceful SSL shutdown... It's really not a problem for the protocol
I'm wrapping.

Post by ivan kostov
I have a similar issue with async_write on a closed socket. In this case I
didn't found any way to return with an error. You can setup a c++11 future
and wait_for(timeout) on it.
if( future.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100))!=
std::future_status::ready )
// error handling
Post by Vinnie Falco
Post by Adam Crain
When shutting down a ssl_stream asynchronously, what happens if the
remote side never responds? Does the callback handler never fire?
To my knowledge, no asynchronous Asio operations have built-in timeouts.
Its up to callers to set up a timer and cancel the I/O if the timer
expires. When canceling the I/O make sure you do it from the same implicit
or explicit strand that the completion handlers are using.
Disclaimer: I have not looked at the actual implementation for
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engaging tech sites, SlashDot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
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Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
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J Adam Crain - Partner


PGP 4096R/E2984A0C <https://www.automatak.com/keys/jadamcrain.asc> 2013-05-03