Apostolos Manolitzas
2013-10-30 07:34:15 UTC
Hello all,
after several hours of debugging I figured out that by using the
||typename|| ||ConstBufferSequence <http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/ConstBufferSequence.html>||>||
||std||::||size_t|| ||send_to||(||
||const|| ||ConstBufferSequence|| ||&|| ||buffers||,||
||const|| ||endpoint_type|| ||&|| ||destination||);||
there is some limitation in the size of buffers, by max_buffers. After
that the packets are ignored.
Should the library throw some error? Or at least try to send the packets
in chunks of max_buffers?
thanks all for your efforts supporting this very useful library.
after several hours of debugging I figured out that by using the
||typename|| ||ConstBufferSequence <http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0/doc/html/boost_asio/reference/ConstBufferSequence.html>||>||
||std||::||size_t|| ||send_to||(||
||const|| ||ConstBufferSequence|| ||&|| ||buffers||,||
||const|| ||endpoint_type|| ||&|| ||destination||);||
there is some limitation in the size of buffers, by max_buffers. After
that the packets are ignored.
Should the library throw some error? Or at least try to send the packets
in chunks of max_buffers?
thanks all for your efforts supporting this very useful library.